
“Religion goes beyond words and actions and attains to the ultimate truth only in silence and love.” — Thomas Merton, Contemplative, Author, Mystic, & Activist

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Olympic-Style Meditators Show Stunning Results Never Before Seen in Science

8/12/2021 LoveMore Blog |Author Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) talks about research done by Neuroscientist Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin. Richardson studied Olympic-style mediators who have achieved 62,000+ hours of meditation. Here is a brief look into the stunning never before seen in science results they have found in their subjects’ brains — state-level Gamma waves. Read more, Love More →

How Does One Say No to Jesus? | MaryAnn Rabuck

LoveMore Blog | April 14, 2021: I reluctantly trudged over and stood before him. He was smiling down at me and looked like the typical American Catholicism Fabio Jesus seen on holy cards. “Are you my Master Teacher?” I mumbled. He nodded and smiled. “I AM,” he said. “GODDAMN IT,” I said to myself and looked down at the ground. I was seriously distraught. I also came to see the church as extremely dysfunctional in its judgment and arrogance. I saw the abuse and rage perpetrated by the nuns in my classrooms. They carried Shame and Guilt as ready weapons, and they were quick on the draw. Read more, Love more →

If Enlightenment is Empty of Everything, How Can There Be Love There? | Taja Anand

LoveMore Blog | July 7, 2020: Who cares about ‘the emptiness’ and ‘enlightenment! Until ‘you’ have ‘experienced’ both, they are just concepts and useless to ponder. Prior to experiencing them, you cannot ask the question. After experiencing them, you never would. Totally non-verbal. Ahh, but love…that you know already. Directly. When you discover what love truly Is, you realize that love not only is not missing from the emptiness and enlightenment… Read more →

The World Moves for Love | Dan Pedersen

Living with Confidence: We have more empathy for other people when we’re more intimately aware of their suffering. A name, a face, and specific details about what happened to them can help us relate to them and what they’re going through. Their story becomes more real to us and we begin to feel what we would feel if we were them. — Dan Pedersen

Dan Pedersen, who writes for Living With Confidence, has in my opinion, mastered the fine art of short and sweet blog posts. His entire article is not much longer than this quote, but does include a link to a short movie clip that illustrates his point. Read more →

Big Think/Edge Video: Author/Researcher Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) talks about work that he and Neuroscientist Richard Davidson at UW have done with Olympic-level meditators who have achieved 62,000+ hours of lifetime meditation, and the astounding results they have found in their brains. Read more →

2/17/2020 Why I’m a Christian (And Continue to Suck at Being One) by Benjamin Sledge—When I was 27, I met two men who forever changed the way I viewed Christianity. Both were covered in tattoos, occasionally used swear words, and liked beer. All the things I had been told growing up that got you kicked out of Club God they seemed to be doing. And honestly, it confused me. Weren’t they in “sin?”—Benjamin Sledge

This man won me over with this opening quote. There was much more to his article, but much of it was I saw as pointing to unconditional love, which we don't really hear about in "institutionalized Christianity" (even though Jesus did a pretty good job of living it) which has left us with a simple but not much to cheer about two-line story: do good and get rewarded, do bad and get punished, very punished for a long, long time. Read more →