
Fallling in Love with Love

There is very little more I can add to the volumes of already written material on love. Yet, I feel drawn to dedicate my time, energy, and life to doing more to bring love to the forefront of everything. Love is likely high on everybody's priority list, yet it shows up so little in our day-to-day life of busyness. Even kindness, which costs nothing, can bring forth a smile, a sense of gratitude, a friend, and a flow of Serotonin, Endorphins, and Oxytocin to both giver and receiver! I hope you will also catch the flame of love and share it in your world, which is our world, and help us become more fully human. We have tried war for as long as humans have lived, and we are no better off when it comes to caring for each other. Let us try, love. Love One Another, No Exceptions.

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Unconditional Love-Based Family-Centered Parenting for Adopted, Foster, and Diagnosed Children

After fostering 24 children, adopting 4 from the Virginia Foster Care System, and serving as President of The Post Institute for 10 years, I know the challenges of raising, loving, and advocating for a better way to parent children with trauma histories who have come from hard places. We have a special section with help specifically for parents and professionals. Learn More, Love More →

The Science of Kindness

3/19/2022 LoveMore Blog | These are not my words. I have taken information from the video to share just a few things that might inspire or motivate all of us to live a life more lovingly. Let's start with the science of kindness. It is easier and the opportunities abound. Learn More, Love More →

09/01/2020 LoveMore Blog | Choose Love Movement™ was inspired by 6-year-old Jesse Lewis, his final acts of love, and his mother’s path of forgiveness after Jesse was killed in a mass school shooting. Choose Love is a community-led movement offering free social & emotional learning (SEL) to help people thoughtfully respond to any situation or circumstance and has touched 2 MILLION people in 95 countries and 3,830 schools. Read more →

08/25/2020 LoveMore Blog | This is the second of two articles that ask the same question, both with similar answers. They are challenging parents bear both the responsibility and the maturity to take on the admirable task of bettering ourselves as a gift to our children. (Becoming more fully human) Read more →

08/10/2020 LoveMore Blog | Parental self-awareness is the ability to look at one’s self from moment to moment, and especially during parent/child interactions, and ask, “How am I feeling?” This level of awareness brings you into the moment, the present, and this is where love lives. When you can meet your child in the present, free from the past, and free from your fears about the future, you can parent in the now from a place called love. Read more →

08/03/2020 LoveMore Blog | When growing up, it’s easy to learn that being a “good” boy or girl, and doing it “right” becomes the way to get people to love you. It worked for me, as mommy and daddy always reminded me how good I was and how much they loved me. To a young child, these blended in together. The “gooder” I was, the more affirmation I got. Teach your children in a way that they don’t have to spend their adulthood getting over their childhood… Read more →

7/27/2020 LoveMore Blog | I was touched by hearing a young mother’s story about her ten-year-old going through puberty, struggling with hormones and emotions raging out of control. I thought to share it with you as a real-life example of love, unconditional love to be more specific. Both son and mother learn things in an accepting, open environment that allows ‘what is’ to play itself out. Think on these things… Read more →

6/24/2020 LoveMore Blog | Living with Confidence: We have more empathy for other people when we’re more intimately aware of their suffering. A name, a face, and specific details about what happened to them can help us relate to them and what they’re going through. Their story becomes more real to us and we begin to feel what we would feel if we were them. — Dan Pedersen

Dan Pedersen, who writes for Living With Confidence, has in my opinion, mastered the fine art of short and sweet blog posts. His entire article is not much longer than this quote, but does include a link to a short movie clip that illustrates his point. Read more →

LoveMore Blog | July 7, 2020: Who cares about ‘the emptiness’ and ‘enlightenment! Until ‘you’ have ‘experienced’ both, they are just concepts and useless to ponder. Prior to experiencing them, you cannot ask the question. After experiencing them, you never would. Totally non-verbal. Ahh, but love…that you know already. Directly. When you discover what love truly Is, you realize that love not only is not missing from the emptiness and enlightenment… Read more →

6/24/2020 LoveMore Blog | Many people have mistakenly believed that the DNA with which we are born is the sole determinant for who we are and will become, but scientists have understood for decades that this genetic determinism is a flawed theory. Thus starts the web of understanding the difference between genetic determinism and epigenetics, which is the difference between living as a victim of our genome, or being responsible for switching our genes on or off through the way we choose to live. Heart intelligence is a goal we can aspire to and open ourselves to the wisdom of the ages, and the frontiers of science. Read more →

6/22/2020 LoveMore Blog | Our Brains get overloaded by any number of things, including an overly stressful day at work or a family emergency. People in poverty, however, have the added burden of ever-present stress, and often bracing themselves against class bias that adds extra strain or even trauma to their daily lives. And the science is clear—when brain capacity is used up on these worries and fears, there simply isn't as much bandwidth for other things, like love." Read more →

The Science of the Heart—The HeartMath Institute

4/15/2020 LoveMore Blog | We are at the dawn of recognizing Love as the new transformational intelligence—Doc Childre, Founder of The HeartMath Institute.

The Heartmath organization is at the forefront of both offering free helpful tools and information helping us to become more coherent in our daily lives and pushing the research showing just how powerful the heart really is. As an example, the heart's electrical field has forty to sixty times more amplitude than that of the brain, while the heart's magnetic field is approximately five thousand times stronger than the field produced by the brain (McCraty 2004). Read more →

4/27/2020 LoveMore Blog | The Care and Feeding of Love: “The 75 years and 20 million dollars spent on the Grant Study points to a straightforward five-word conclusion,” Vaillant writes. “Happiness is love. Full stop.” Here is a short primer on the care and feeding of love by Brad Stulberg where he focuses on research that shows the way to a happy and fulfilled life through the practice of love and its evidence-based conclusion that makes it so obvious, yet, why do we not practice it everywhere and always? Read more →

4/27/2020 LoveMore Blog | Parenting | We talked about Activating your X-ray vision and learning to see the “inner toddler” in your child, no matter what age. Although this sounds like a fantastic superpower that we humans don't seem to possess, we ask you to take a second look. We all have this to some degree, and our job is to use and develop it. Said another way, it is all about getting to know your child. This you can do. To do it well, however, requires practice. Read more →

Author/Researcher Daniel Goleman (Emotional Intelligence) talks about work that he and Neuroscientist Richard Davidson at UW have done with olympic level meditators who have achieved 62,000+ hours of lifetime meditation, and the astounding results they have found in their brains. Watch Here →

2/14/2017 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University: What we do know, however, is that much of love can be explained by chemistry. So, if there’s really a “formula” for love, what is it, and what does it mean?... Learn More →